Monday, January 05, 2009

Make Different Choices
"If what you're experiencing in the present is painful, you can look at what you did to create it," Gary Zukav says. "Once you make that connection, then you can begin to create differently by making different choices." ...
Address the real root of your problems—fear. Anger typically hides pain, and in turn, pain hides fear, he explains. "Instead of looking at each other in the judgmental ways that you have been, understand that the person you're speaking with is frightened," Gary says. "The ultimate fear [is] that I'm intrinsically flawed."
"When you develop in you the strength and the clarity that lets you know that you are a soul on this earth with gifts to give, and that your painful experiences are self-created, you can begin to create differently," he says. ...
"You can't be loving while you're judging," he says. "You can't be loving while you're criticizing. You can't be loving while you're blaming. … In a spiritual partnership, your commitment is not to the relationship. Your commitment is to your own spiritual growth because [that's] how you can create the relationship that you want." ...
"Under anger is pain. Beneath the pain is fear—this basic fear of powerlessness," he says. "The same thing underlies any compulsive behavior, such as perfectionism." ...
According to Gary, spiritual partnerships have four main requirements—commitment, compassion, courage and conscious communication.

~ Gary Zukav, author of Seat of the Soul

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