Sunday, February 17, 2008

A Safe Anchorage for the Spirit

"In this busy age, in these days of intense scientific activity as we approach the conquest of space, it is not surprising that we find ourselves restless, unfulfilled, unsatisfied. Amidst all this kaleidoscopic movement, the inner soul of man must find an eternal harbor, some home port that will stay put, his own internal haven of peace.

When he fails to find such an anchorage his mind refuses the challenge of change. Mental illness becomes an epidemic of the times, and youth, cast afloat on uncharted seas, lacks assurance. The cry of pain and insecurity rises from the hearts of the untrained—‘Where am I?”—‘Where am I going?’—‘Who and where is the authority?’ And the world is too busy to answer.

Yet the answer is there. The answer is in the majestic order of the Universe and its obedience to unchanging law. This timeless, changeless order is an assurance of unchallenged authority, a sign of safe anchorage for the troubled spirit of man. Like the growth of a child from infant to adult, man is ‘discovering’ worlds new to him, but old to God.

When this is fully realized man can stand straight and tall, assured in the face of apparent uncertainty, secure in the knowledge of the way home, at peace with himself because he is at peace with God.”

~ John B. Medaris
American Major General John B. Medaris planned and executed the Ordinance phase of the Invasion of Normandy.

quote from pages 53-54, Mackay, John A.. The Presbyterian Way of Life. Englewoood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1960.

For me, this safe anchorage for the spirit is Jesus Christ. "All things are of the Father; all things are through the Son; all things are by the Spirit."
(Mackay, 63)

~ Truthful Grace

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