Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Einstein the Believer

Einstein writes:
If we cleanse the Judaism of the prophets and Christianity as Jesus has taught it from what came afterwards, especially from priestcraft, we have a religion which can save the world from all social evils. It is the holy duty of every man to do his utmost to bring this religion to triumph.

~ Richard Wurmbrand, from Tortured for Christ

1 comment:

J said...

I just read that quote in Tortured for Christ, an amazing book. I wanted to confirm that it was in fact Einstein who said this.

Sadly anytime the quote is used, Tortured for Christ is listed as the source. Keep in mind in the book the quote is coming not from a conversation with Einstein but being said by a girl who says these are the words of Einstein.

I agree with the saying, I have my doubts that it was Eisenstein's Christians ,I include my self in that group, always check your sources. Speak the truth.