On another occasion Jesus said, "Blessed are the meek." We don't like that word "meek." It suggests to us weakness or being wishy-washy or wimpy. But that's not what it means. The Greek word for meek used in the Bible is the same word used to describe a wild stallion that has been trained for the saddle. It means power under control, strength with direction. It means to be focused. Blessed are the focused, those who know their priorities and honor them.
Did you know that there is approximately the same amount of gunpowder in a firecracker as in a rifle shell? But the firecracker is unfocused. It just makes a big noise and accomplishes nothing. The rifle shell, on the other hand, focuses that power in a specific direction and delivers an enormous punch.
You can be a firecracker Christian or a rifle shot Christian. It's a matter of focus. St. Paul was a highly focused, rifle shot Christian. He declared, "I press toward the mark for the high call of God in Christ Jesus."
You can be a firecracker parent or a rifle-shot parent. One makes a lot of noise. The other gets results. It's a matter of focus.
~ author unknown
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