Tuesday, May 27, 2008

risk-taking, creativity and perseverance

"Can wealth be taught? Absolutely. Are people born with a wealthy mindset? Absolutely," says Dr. Gabriela Cora, president of the Executive Health & Wealth Institute, a corporate consultancy in Miami. "I believe someone who is born with the inner motivation to succeed -- and encounters a fertile environment that enables the potential for accumulating wealth -- will find extraordinary opportunities."

Cora has identified three key characteristics that she believes most wealthy people possess: risk-taking, creativity and perseverance. . . .

Dr. Cora believes the best thing a parent can do to teach kids about wealth is to expose them to the habits of mind that lead to success.

"Teach them to think like an entrepreneur -- to create new opportunities, rather than to just think about money," she says.

Published March 13, 2008

Can you teach your kids to be rich?
By Abby Ellin

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