Saturday, August 05, 2006

Jesus Christ Delivers Us From Death

Jesus, for us and for our salvation, was crucified, dead, and laid in a new tomb. He descended into hell.

At the sight of Jesus, the bolts of hell were broken, the gates shattered, graves opened up, and the dead were raised. Jesus defeated the power of death to redeem us and transform us and restore us to the relationship with God that we were meant to have at creation. He extended His hands and brought together all that had been divided. He showed His power by His actions when He unbound those who had been held captive.

The prophet Isaiah witnessed to your Glory, saying “The dead shall rise, and those in the graves shall awake, and all earthly creatures shall rejoice.”
Blessed are You, Jesus Christ our deliverer. Through you, Adam was recalled to life, the curse was annulled, Eve was set free, death was put to death, and we were made alive. Therefore we proclaim, “Blessed are You, Christ our God, for You have willed it so; glory to You!”

~ Author Unknown

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