He once famously said that the guys who pumped gas when he was growing up all voted Democratic, and they were still pumping gas.
Recently, in explaining his decision to switch to the Dem side, he said: "I was a Republican until they lost their minds."
Barkley makes Harry Truman look gun-shy about speaking his mind, because Barkley figured out what neither party seems to grasp: "Only half the people are going to like you anyway; the half that don't like you need a life."
Some other gems, culled from clintcam.com/barkley and then checked against other sources:
"You get two rich guys arguing over who's conservative and who's liberal - and you go: Now they just argued for an hour, and nothing got solved."
"You're voting for who'll do the best for you, and I don't like that system. You should vote to help everybody."
"Hey, we can't even get black coaches in the NFL. You think we gonna have a black president?"
"You know how you can tell politics is corrupt? President Bush is going to raise $250 million for a job that pays $400,000. Now tell me there isn't something wrong there."
"I don't have time to put up with... politics. Who's a Democrat? Who's a Republican? Who's liberal? Who's conservative? Man, can my daughter just go to a school and not get killed?"
"I've got a technique," Barkley once said of his prodigious rebounding skills. "It's called just go get the damn ball."
Phil Sheridan, Inquirer Columnist
"Note to Barkley: Go for the White House"
The Philadelphia Inquirer
Sun, Jul. 30, 2006
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