Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Be a sign for others of joy and Christ-like love

Br. Roger, Parable of Community, Taize Community:

"Open yourself to all that is human and you will find that every vain desire to escape from the world disappears. Be present to your age; adapt yourself to the conditions of the moment. 'Father, I pray you, not to take them out of the world, but to keep them from evil.' (John 17:15) Love the deprived, all who are suffering human injustice and thirsting for justice. Jesus has a special concern for them. Never be afraid of their bothering you.
Love your neighbor, whatever his religious or ideological point of view. Never resign yourself to the scandal of the separation of Christians, all so readily professing love for their neighbor, yet remaining divided. Make the unity of Christ's Body your passionate concern."

Rule of Taize:
"The Lord Christ, in his compassion and his love for you, has chosen you to be in his Church a sign of God's love. It is his will that with your brothers (and sisters) you live the parable of community. So, refusing to look back, and joyful with infinite gratitude, never fear to outsrip the dawn."

David Bryan Hoopes OHC, commenting on Br. Roger's Rule:
"Perhaps a synonym for joy could be well-being. Well-being for a Christian is having the confidence that God's grace will outlast any of our human destruction and is sufficient to quell the turmoil which we create. It grows out of the conviction that the resurrected Christ is alive and very present in our daily life; because He lives, we too live. Being fully alive in Christ keeps us open to love - both giving and receiving it."

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