Sunday, July 18, 2021

agentic: decisive, assertive, competitive

Paternity leave: The hidden barriers keeping men at work

By Josie Cox, 12th July 2021, accessed July 18, 2021


Thekla Morgenroth, a research fellow in Social and Organisational Psychology at the University of Exeter, UK, says that gender stereotypes have persisted, even though gender roles at work have changed substantially in the last few decades, with much higher numbers of women entering and staying in the workforce. 

“Women are no longer seen as less competent than men, but women continue to be seen as more communal – warm, nurturing and caring – than men and, in turn, as more suitable for roles that require these attributes such as childcare,” they explain. “Men, on the other hand, continue to be seen as more agentic: decisive, assertive, competitive.”


a·gen·tic   (ā-jen'tik)

Denotes self-directed actions aimed at personal development or personally chosen goals.

Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012

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