Friday, February 12, 2021

Leon Morris - why I write

"I hate writing. Perhaps this is because I write so badly.

The tool I use most frequently is the waste paper basket. But I still write. Why I wonder? To be practical, money has something to do with it I imagine.

But for one so far from the bestseller lists there must be many easier ways of staying alive. I think the basic answer is that a writer must write. To write is difficult. Not to write is sheer agony. I don’t like agony, so I write. 

And I write in the hope that what I write will be of interest and of help to those who read. I write on biblical topics for these seem to me far and away the most significant. I hope that writing and these topics will bring writer & reader nearer to God."  

~ Leon Lamb Morris (1914–2006),
Australian New Testament scholar, Anglican priest, University of Cambridge PhD on The Apostolic Preaching of the Cross

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