Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Importance of Voting

You are wrong if you do not vote.

You are to render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's. Our Caesar [in
the United States] is a government of the people by the people for the
people. One vote may make the difference.

ONE VOTE made Oliver Cromwell Lord Protector of the Commonwealth and gave
him control of England. (1645)
ONE VOTE caused Charles I to be executed. (1649)
ONE VOTE kept Aaron Burr - later charged with treason - from becoming
President. (1800)
ONE VOTE elected Marcus Morton governor of Massachusetts. (1839)
ONE VOTE made Texas part of the United States. (1845)
ONE VOTE saved President Andrew Johnson from impeachment. (1868)
ONE VOTE changed France from a monarchy to a republic. (1875)
ONE VOTE admitted California, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho into the
Union. (1850, 1850, 1889, 1890)
ONE VOTE elected Rutherford B. Hayes to the Presidency, and the man in the
Electoral College who cast that vote was an Indiana Representative also
elected by ONE VOTE. (1876)
ONE VOTE made Adolf Hitler head of the Nazi Party. (1923)
ONE VOTE maintained the Selective Service System only 12 weeks before
Pearl Harbor. (1941)
ONE VOTE per precinct would have elected Richard Nixon, rather than John
Kennedy, President. (1960)

I'm only one but I am one. I can't do everything but I can do something
and what I can do I ought to do and that by the grace of God I will do.

~ Author Unknown

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