What is the fewest number of coins you can carry that allows you to produce any exact change?
The answer is 10 coins, 3 Quarters, 1 dime, 2 nickel, and 4 pennies. With this combination you can produce any number between 1-99 cents.
3 Quarters
1 dime
2 nickels
4 pennies
An alternative answer would be 6 coins, 3 Quarters, 2 dimes and 1 nickel. In this example you will range most change between 5-95 cents, in 5 cents increments. In this example you will never receive more than 4 cents in change back.
Seven US coin version: four pennies, two nickels, one dime.
Then, you give only as much change as is over the nearest multiple of quarters.
So, for example, if the charge is $12.38 you pay $20.13, and get $7.75
Your change back will always be in multiples of 25.
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