Wednesday, October 24, 2007

An Antidote to Depression

from P. L.:

The last time I was acutely depressed, I woke up one morning believing that God was asking me to SING to Him for twenty-four hours. That sounded crazy to me! Stay up for twenty-four hours? It took me a couple hours to do the task, and then I decided to comply.

So I started singing. Hymns from some hymnals I'd collected, listening to praise songs on the radio, singing original tunes to the psalms, making up new psalms, singing made up tunes in a walk to the park, playing on my flute - it was constant praise music all day long. I even sang through the evening.

J. came to me about 11 PM, and he said: "this seems to be working. Why don't you really sing for the whole twenty-four hours!" So I sang through the night.

I kicked that depression, and it hasn't really bit me since. Singing praises to the Almighty actually changes the body at a cellular level. I've read that since. And there is a scripture that says: "put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness."

So I recommend singing praises to the Creator. He deserves our praise. He made us. We are created to give Him glory! And it's an antidote to depression. Go for it. Start singing. I'll be singing right along with you!

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