Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Moses and Job

I taught them everything they know, but not everything I know.

I used to think like Moses. That knocked me down for a couple years and put me in prison. Then I start thinking like Job. Job waited and became the wealthiest and richest man ever 'cause he believed in God.

When God took it, he accepted it; when he brought it back, he accepted it. That's what's happening with me.

I want to say to the young people, Honor thy father and thy mother. Your days will be longer and more fruitful.

I want to say to you, Help yourself, so you can help someone else.

I've been held responsible for taxes I know nothing about.

I've been knocked down a lot of times.

Like Christ said, love thee one another. I learned to do that, and I learned to respect and be appreciative and thankful for what I had.

My expectations of other people, I double them on myself.

Sometimes you struggle so hard to feed your family one way, you forget to feed them the other way, with spiritual nourishment. Everybody needs that.

Thank God for the journey.

When I'm on stage, I'm trying to do one thing: bring people joy. Just like church does. People don't go to church to find trouble, they go there to lose it.

~ James Brown, American Musician

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