Friday, September 01, 2006

The Theology Already There

“We are at the beginning of a period in which many things will have to be tried. A few will work; many will not. But the place where the courage to attempt something different—something by way of participation in the worldly suffering of God—begins is thinking critically about the theology that has accompanied Christendom and asking for another theology. Not just a new strategy, or greater commitment to social programs, or more exciting liturgies, or more sincere spirituality—no, for a different theology.

And I am comforted by the thought that we do not have to invent such a theology….The theology that we need is already there—from the Old Testament onwards! It is really just a matter of letting go of some of our conditioned beliefs and assumptions and allowing what is there to speak to us as we are, where we are, and when we are.”

~ Douglas John Hall, The Cross in our Context

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