Saturday, August 13, 2005

Native American Religions

Native American Religions

Tales of the North American Indians by Stith Thompson [1929]
The classic cross-cultural Native American folklore study.

Walam Olum excerpt from The Lenâpé and Their Legends, by Samuel G. Brinton. Brinton's Library of Aboriginal Literature number V. Phildelphia [1885]. This is one of the only indigenous pre-contact written texts available from North America. Long controversial as to its authenticity, but a key document nevertheless. With pictographs, Delaware and English translation.

The Soul of the Indian by Charles Eastman [1911]

Indian Why Stories by Frank Linderman [1915]

Old Indian Legends by Zitkala-Sa [1901]

Myths and Legends of the Sioux by Marie L. McLaughlin [1916]

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