Saturday, June 11, 2005

Breeding Resentment Instead of Fostering Public Sympathy

John Grogan, Philadelphia Inquirer, May 30, 2005:

regarding a mother who took fertility drugs, had six babies she and her husband "could not support," and asked "taxpayers to foot the bill for a Medicaid home nurse to help":

"When I interviewed the mother, she radiated a sense of entitlement and inflexibility, prompting other mothers across the region to scold in surround sound: You made your decision, now live with it.
Many used the same expression: 'Start taking responsibility for your own actions.'
That's all fine and good -- except that six innocent and defenseless children hang in the balance. . . .
[She] is asking [for help] -- admittedly in a clumsy, ham-fisted way that sounds self-serving and breeds resentment instead of compassion -- but asking nonetheless. . . .
Do we punish the . . . children because their parents are not more skilled at fostering public sympathy?
And if something terrible were to happen, what would we say then? Oh, I guess they really did need help. . . .
[Her] request to have Medicaid continue to provide a skilled home nurse for another year is ridiculous. The once-fragile chldren are now robust; they do not need a nurse. Besides, [she] is a registered nurse herself.
But the harried mother definitely needs a helper or two. Or three. . . ."

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