Although I am a Protestant, John Paul II's prayer life impressed me. According to news reports on April 3, "John Paul would spend as many as seven hours a day in prayer, adoration and contemplation," beginning at 6:15 am in his private chapel.
After having heard ministers talk about burnout, I especially liked this quote from his writings:
"In the absence of a deep inner life, a priest will imperceptibly turn into an office clerk, and his apostolate will turn into a parish office routine, just solving daily problems."
John Paul told a delegation of American bishops that prayer is both "a conversation with God" and actual "contact with God." Without "a deep experience of prayer, growth in the moral life will be shallow."
Few ministers have the staff, finances, and logistical support to spend seven hours a day in prayer, and God understands this. However, beginning the day in the presence of God is even more vital for those with limited material resources. We have even greater need for God to fill our emotional and spiritual wells with "living water." We need to be filled with the Holy Spirit 's holy power and love as we serve in God's name.
Peace be with you.
Truthful Grace
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